
1000th Guest!!!

Trundle Manor has reached our 1000th guest!  We have been giving tours for a few years now with off and on fluctuations of fluidity and we finally reached a milestone.  Without counting repeat customers, friends, or party goers we have been able to touch 1000 unique lives throughout the U.S.

You would think that a one family house in Swissvale, PA would have a hard time attracting people who think it's OK to wander into a strangers house and be completely at their mercy but we're proof that the human spirit is still adventurous and is willing to venture into the unknown with not more than a notion of what to expect and the hope that they won't be made to live chained up in the basement, whipped incessantly, and used for stew once they have become tender enough to melt in the mouth...

Thank you all for your visits and we hope to keep weirding the world one tour at a time for many years to come.